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CSR commitment

Neo-Eco has been built around a mission and strong values for nearly 15 years. Since the start of 2021, the team has been working, around a CSR coordinator, to evaluate and formalize our values, projects and commitments.CSR around the environmental, social and governance pillars.
The objective: to take stock of the situation and continue to improve thanks to a collective action plan! For this, several tools were used: brainstorming, support from the BPI allowing the use of the platform's indicatorsZei and the carbon assessment toolCarbon.

In 2024, Neo-Eco publishes its first CSR report! Although not subject to French and European reporting obligations, we wanted to do so to ensure the consistency of our action!
So don’t hesitate to check it out! 

The environment atheart of our activities 

A profession with a high impact

Ergonomic, low-carbon offices

Waste sorted, compost made and involvement in World Cleanup Day

A reflection and a commitment to develop soft mobility

Shared governance

Solidarity systems and local anchoring

Liberated management based on knowledge sharing 

Improvement of the credibility and profitability of our clients

Appropriate CSR management by all employees;

Cohesion, solidarity & well being at work

Junior/senior pairs, additional training and feedback

Quality of Life at Work Questionnaire

Teambuilding and cohesion activities


Involvement of employees in company changes  

Equity logic with employee savings

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